This is an archived version of a newer site. You're free to browse it, but be warned that the content is significantly out-of-date. To see the most current version of this site please visit

The Evil Net List The HooKHeaD Project The Official Jumpsuit Boy Fan Page Evil Peacock's Icon Extravaganza Site Information Index
Portfolio title graphic (gif)

Eric Peacock - Web Page Examples

Concept designs for Vision Internet Imaging Services

Concept 1 | Concept 2 | Concept 3

These links are quick reworked front pages with no real functionality, so don't go clicking on things and expect them to work properly. These designs were done over a weekend in application for a graphic design job for VIIS. I got the job, or so they said. The company still exists but still hasn't actually provided any work, nor do they ever bother to communicate. Oh well...

Essentially where I practice new ideas and techniques. This part of my web site has undergone three separate revisions, the newest one being independant of the matching graphic theme throughout the other sections of my site. The Jumpsuit Boy phenomenon is somewhat real despite the satirical content presented on the page.