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Since 1996 - Last Updated Tue, 9/26/06 11:39 PM

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Neon Brown: Nice Video DVD Project

Neon Brown - Nice Video DVD conceptual artwork

The Nice Video DVD is slated for release sometime before the end of 2006. More information will be posted here as progress moves forward. In the meantime two of the four full-length music videos are viewable online:

The audio will feature 5.1 mixes as well as the original two-channel mixes from the albums. If time allows remixes will also be included with alternate versions of the videos.

Plus some extra live footage, easter eggs and other as-yet-unrevealed video content.

Who are they?

Neon Brown is a Seattle-based band made up of two brothers who play home-made instruments. Plenty of information is available at their site.


This project began sometime in 2003 as I was getting heavily into Final Cut Pro and doing video work again after taking quite a few years off to do 2D design work. I began to experiment with the numerous still photos I had taken of the band performing using a sort of page flipping method to animate those photos. I was able to get some nice effects and then the ideas started to flow.

Since I'd also been interested in doing audio remixes of some of Neon Brown's songs it all sort became obvious to do a complete audio/visual thing. And so I began working on one of the videos in little bits every now and then. Now, almost two years later I've been able to dedicate more time and have come up with three full videos plus a lot of extra material which will find it's way onto my first self-produced DVD.