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Private Music, Volume I

Released January 2000 - Private release unavailable to public

Composed & recorded during 1993-1999

Archival Release of work I've chosen to retain as well as tracks cut from full releases that needed a home.

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  1. Saturation
  2. Nothing Better Than Real - Part I
  3. Errors of Fornication - Instrumental
  4. Welcome to the Art Crowd
  5. My Knife, My Life
  6. E Mah, Eh Pah
  7. The Flatline
  8. Project for Prepared Piano
  9. Project for Analog Buchla One
  10. Project for Analog Buchla Two
  11. Chew Your Muffin Good
  12. Far Out MIDI Life Crisis
  13. Mother Bomb
  14. Year of the Moth
  15. Kagami Butoh Soundtrack (excerpt)

Total Time=73:49

Taken from:

Copyright 2000 Suicide Aphrodisiac Music/Eric A. Peacock. Recorded 1993-1999 in Olympia & Seattle Washington.
Composed, Performed and produced by Eric A. Peacock. Artwork & design by Eric A. Peacock.

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