This is an archived version of a newer site. You're free to browse it, but be warned that the content is significantly out-of-date. To see the most current version of this site please visit

Erogenous Peacock
Eric Anthony Peacock

Hello, my name is Eric A. Peacock. I was once a student, but now I am a graduate of The Evergreen State College. I am 23 years old and somewhat of a dork.

I work primarily with digital audio and video. My tool of choice is a Power Macintosh 8500/120 . I mostly use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and Vision to create multimedia in my bedroom.


  • Added some fun new URLs.
  • Fixed a lot of bugs and removed or updated a handful of outdated URLs on the Evil Net List.
  • Added the JSB OS Box photo and also the OS screenshots.
  • Added alternate text for browers not displaying graphics (should've done this sooner).
  • Updated text and formatting on most html documents on the site.

  • Mailing Lists - - - Main Index - - - Jumpsuit Boy Fan Page - - - ?