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Vanderhoof - A Blur In Time art

A Blur In Time Cover


Client: Vanderhoof

Category: Compact Disc packaging

Design & layout: Eric A. Peacock

Cover Photography: Michael Ducette

Description: The follow-up release from Vanderhoof provided an opportunity to create a new look for the band. A new logo was designed and quite a few concepts followed. During the process the band picked a photograph by photographer Michael Ducette for the cover which I was to design around.

The interior pages of the CD booklet were all Photoshop decadence on my part, using some photos of my own with original work built around bits from the cover photo for consistency. The final product is essentially a simple cover shell that opens into a series of panels containing lyrics and layered visual representations of dreams in time.


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Revision 5 - Updated Sun, Jan 26, 2003
©2006 Eric A. Peacock. All rights reserved.