This is an archived version of a newer site. You're free to browse it, but be warned that the content is significantly out-of-date. To see the most current version of this site please visit https://opaquedream.com.
Site coding updated - finally. Cleaner CSS and lots of additions that missed out with the quick redesign I did about a year ago.
A Continually Evolving, Never Predictable Product inches nearer and nearer to completion. The final movement of the disc is still in production, and won't likely be done until the end of the year or later. Also in works are videos to some unreleased tracks which will become my first DVD "album".
Added for fun: the cover art graveyard. Updated the new CD cover art to the nearly final version. Still working on the navigation and other parts of the site (there is no link back to home!) - bear with me.
New look and standards-compliant web site released. Updated discography to include the first years of cassette work.
Production has begun on A Continually Evolving, Never Predictable Product, my first CD release in over two years. Following that the unfinished CD project that has been listed on this site for so long will be released.
I'm also considering the very small release of a soundscape I did for a sculpture installation titled Four from Three, though this project is less accessible than my other soundtrack work.
The HooKHeaD Project (hook hed proj'ekt) n. 1. Music: sometimes experimental, electronic, industrial, acoustic, ambient, ethnic. 2. Thinking music 3. An ongoing soundtrack of one individual's life.
This site ©2002 Eric A. Peacock, All Rights Reserved
Eric A. Peacock's other page is here