This is an archived version of a newer site. You're free to browse it, but be warned that the content is significantly out-of-date. To see the most current version of this site please visit

This site's design is only visible in a graphical browser that supports web standards, but its content is accessible to any browser or Internet device. More information is here.

Archived Ramblings - 2001


Tables are dead. Long live tables? I don't think so. This is the debut of a completely CSS driven version of this site. If you don't have at least IE 5 Mac, IE 6 PC, Netscape or Mozilla 5/6 then this site isn't going to look very good. It's time to standardize kids, so upgrade your browsers and join the fight for web standards. Props to Zeldman and WASP for invaluable tutorials that after many hours led to this layout.

This revision adds minor changes to the fourth design I've had for this site since 1995. Plus, this monochromatic look has been here for a long time already. There will be a completely new redesign in the future I'm sure, but to better facilitate experimentation with advanced CSS I found that doing a conversion would be best.

Bugs still exist, but it's more important for me to move forward since I have no definitive traffic to my site right now. Plus, it was getting to be a hassle maintaining two versions of the site.


The work has been long and difficult but there is light at the end of the tunnel. My table-free standards-compliant web site overhaul is now nearly complete. The markup is not what is holding it up. Instead I've been wrestling with organizing and tweaking content. It will be a little while longer.

Rest in peace: George Harrison 1943-2001


Major changes are going on with this site layout and how it works under the hood. All non-content related tables are being stripped from the markup and the whole site is going fully standards-compliant. What does that really mean? For anyone with the latest browsers nothing and those still using Netscape 4 or other older browsers will see the layout stripped of design.

It's time to practice what is preached. IE 6 PC, IE 5 Mac or Netscape 6/Mozilla is recommended. Sick of browser upgrades? If you move to these browsers you're probably going to be able to keep them installed longer (bugs aside) because they do support standards - for the very first time.

While I have no ETA on when the new changes will replace these pages, I felt that it would be right to give some warning.


The terrorist attack this morning has made this a hard day for everyone. History is made at the cost of too many lives and too much destruction. It's just devastating... I'm not sure what to think or feel even though it should be obvious. It seems we're all living in shock.


I thought I'd mention that I'm linked from Robert Kirkpatrick's local Seattle bands listing - a resource worth checking out.

Also: site bugs have been fixed from my last hasty update.


Changes: The Evil Peacock's Icon Extravaganza pages are now no longer available. I will continue to offer my icons and some other downloads from a new page at some point in the future.

Also, revisions to The Gallery are currently underway - mostly adding in some new images of old work. New additions include photos of my cassette packaging from so many years ago (which corresponds to my music projects).


After nearly five years I'm ceasing operation of the icon section of my site.


New graphics and layouts are being injected into all sections of this site. The experiment continues...


Important things are afoot with The Web Standards Organization and their browser upgrade initiative. While sounding fascist to some it's really a very good idea. Of course everyone always agrees with the idea of web standards but until this controversial move was made there wasn't really a consolidated effort to actually *do* something. Kudos to those responsible.

Browser upgrade campaign

2002 Ramblings

Revision 5 - Updated Thu, Feb 6, 2003
©2002 Eric A. Peacock. All rights reserved.