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Anahata poster design

Anahata screenshots slideshow

A Multimedia Presentation

Presented June 3rd & 4th 1996
The Evergreen State College Recital Hall

Produced by Sandy Johnson, Andy Lin, Eric A. Peacock, & Jeremy Whitaker

Anahata was a live multimedia presentation designed to travel a single repeating path of evolution both on a cultural and spiritual level. It was presented two nights in a row in a 200+ person auditorium with video, music and still images.

This was my final student project in college - but you only get an opportunity to do things like this once in a while so I've kept it here. My contributions included roughly 15 minutes of video, editing the final movie, live sound engineering, video projection, 2D slides and both studio and live music - all constructed and performed within a 10 week Spring quarter. I also designed a series of posters for the event and worked on the promotion.

The rest of the team produced the other half of the video, music and graphics. The final presentation was almost exactly 30 minutes long and was based on the video which we projected onto a large screen via an LCD projector. We produced the video in Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, and many additional applications on all of our own equipment because lab time wouldn't support getting the project done on schedule. The final movie was edited and printed to NTSC on my PowerMac 8500 with a DAT synced soundtrack through Opcode's Vision (R.I.P.). The quality was actually surprisingly good for the time and especially good considering that a motely bunch of undergraduates pulled it off with their own (limited) equipment.

Since we had a 10 week quarter to produce everything there was no slowing down, so the first weeks were storyboarding and content gathering, then sequencing and rendering the video/audio, and finally scheduling, promotion, and rehearsal. The final product offered a highly detailed visual explosion of animation and sound that was packed into a 30 minute presentation. It went over quite well because there was always something visual coming on. The whole project was essentially collage - my core expertise from both a design and artisitic angle.

From the program provided at the event:

According to the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of India, Anahata describes the vibrations inherent in all living energy. These scriptures placed a strong emphasis on light and sound as a manifestation of these vibrations. Modern discoveries in physics have re-established these theories as scientific fact.

With this presentation we are trying to explore the potential of combining forms of technology. Using computers and wave generating synthesizers we will create a new vibrational environment.


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