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All Fall Down CoverThe HooKHeaD Project - The Music of Eric A. Peacock

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All Fall Down

Soundtrack - Released October 26, 1997
Composed & recorded during October 1997


  1. All Fall Down
  2. Lullaby Mekanique
  3. Threatening Days Download MP3
  4. Parallel Egg
  5. Split End Download MP3
  6. The Pink Behind Me

Total Time= 50:03

The bonus tracks (2-6) are completely new collaged remixes from A Partial Reconstruction of Days.

Commissioned by artist LeeAnn Mitchell for her gallery installation "all fall down..." October 26th, 1997 at the Robert Lowery Gallery in Watkinsville, Georgia. This work deals with the loss of LeeAnn's cousin to AIDS and her emotional reaction when North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms commented that people with AIDS deserved to die. The audio was designed to be looped over and over for the duration of the installation.

Composed, Performed and produced by Eric A. Peacock. Artwork & design by Eric A. Peacock.

From a review in Sculpture Magazine:

The Goat

The accompanying soundtrack, arranged in long-distance collaboration with Mitchell by Eric A. Peacock... utilizes a ghost-like chant of "Ring Around the Rosies," recordings of mothers' reflections on sons lost to AIDS, and sounds both from nature and technology. The arrangement is intermittently ominous and soothing; the overall effect of the collaboration calls to mind dim nightmares in which the dreamer stumbles confusedly in the dark, barraged on all sides by flashing lights that both becken and forewarn, and surrounded by sounds simultaneously foreign and familiar.

-Melissa Jane Link, Athens, Georgia was about her cousin, who died of AIDS. She had the windows blacked out, there were telephone poles, she had flashing lights and colored barrels filling the whole space. And Eric A. Peacock, a former student of hers wrote an intense soundtrack to go with it. And it really affected people -- they would come out with tears in their eyes -- people who weren't even into art. You can't put a price on that. That is what art is about. And the thing is, it should be in a museum

-Robert Lowery, April 10, 1998, from an article in the Athens Daily News

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