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The Cover Art GraveyardThe HooKHeaD Project - The Music of Eric A. Peacock

The Cover Art Graveyard

Here I present some artwork for various CD releases that didn't make it. Some of it is worth something despite being scrapped in favor of something else.

Alternate Fortune Smiled, My Dream Complete Covers

The Goat

Heavy Monkey

Heavy Monkey

Unreleased Covers

The Goat

4 From 3, a comissioned soundtrack to an installation may see a release in the future.

This cover began the orange motif that has been the core of this site design for several years. The actual music associated with it has never been properly finished.

This is an alternate cover designed in case I ever re-release a public version of Concupiscence.

This site ©2002 Eric A. Peacock, All Rights Reserved

Eric A. Peacock's other page is here
