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Heavy Monkey CoverThe HooKHeaD Project - The Music of Eric A. Peacock

Heavy Monkey

Released Ocober 31, 1999. Composed & recorded 1997-99

All the tracks from Heavy Monkey are available at You can go get them here.


  1. Balls Out
  2. Cave Life Download MP3
  3. Stone Aged Atonal Caress
  4. The Man Who Crawls Over God
  5. Stretch
  6. Upside Apocalypse
  7. Traveling Around The Dead
  8. Bill
  9. Slimeball
  10. Chaos Works

Total Time= 73:31

A slight departure: Loop based rhythmic dub, long sustained electronic compositions and some slightly groove oriented material. Though instrumental various vocals appear in heavily processed layers. It's all a little noisy and rough on the edges for effect. This is good work music.

Composed, Performed and produced by Eric A. Peacock. Artwork & design by Eric A. Peacock.

This site ©2002 Eric A. Peacock, All Rights Reserved

Eric A. Peacock's other page is here
