Founded in 1995, Jumpsuit Technologies hopes to someday build a corporate megaplex similar to the one represented above. Currently working out of Olympia Washington, Jumpsuit Technologies exists as an alternative to the vast complexity of the computer marketplace.
Our current board of directors includes:
- Jumpsuit Boy - CEO, Chief Scientist, and overlord
- Vern Peanut - Cabinetry, woodworking, and surf
- Rasta Hacker - AI/LISP code and "twitch"
- Great Big Prophet Elias - Color Management software
- Evil Peacock - Legos, soft harmless objects, and graphics
- P. Logie - Slack algorithm research and development
- B. North - Corruption, evil, and occasionally rum
- The Prosecutor - Legal representation
- Maxwell Crain - Assistant to Mr. Jumpsuit Boy, beta tester
- Rob - Paranormal occurances
- We also contract out our TV spots to Red Hat Productions.