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Abstract Bottom Piece

Eric Peacock

The HooKHeaD Project was inadvertantly created in 1989. The earliest influences were derived from electronic and industrial genres, though really there was no specific plan for the music. There still isn't.

Early work was done with a minimal knowledge of music and equipment. Each finished cassette was created with different techniques and themes more as a learning process than an attempt to compose. Since the beginning, improvisation, rhythm, and collage have been at the heart of each recording. The HooKHeaD Project holds a candle to mimimalism while embodying thick complex timbral layers of collaged sound.

The HooKHeaD Project is Eric Peacock. Eric's musical training started as a Suzuki violin student and a school band trumpet player. He only played the violin for about a year or more at an early age. Eric began the trumpet in the fourth grade only to abandon it upon entering high school. At this time he inadvertantly began collaging bits of radio broadcasts together to fill mix cassettes he made for friends. Years later he created his first real composition as a cassette loop to be played from inside a box sculpture.

In college Eric studied ethnomusicology, popular musicology, and 20th century classical music while working technically in analog and digital recording studios. During the four year undergraduate process Eric's music was radically transformed many times. Additional influence came from playing the Surdo (a large Brazilian bass drum) in a samba ensemble and from participation in an Indonesian gamelan.

The HooKHeaD Project continues to evolve with music covering noise experimentation, soundtracks for video and film, ambient soundscapes, and song arrangements. The term "hookhead" originated from a series of paintings by Eric that represented psycological diversity. Abstract facial representations in the paintings resembled hooks, hence the name.

The HooKHeaD Project is about all diversity, which would explain the varied output over the years.