Cassette Projects
God Isn't Finished With Us Yet / Is God Finished With Us Yet? (1990)
The first ever serious recording done under my old "HooKHeaD" moniker (The "project" wasn't added till several years later). This cassette is ten minutes per side and was designed to be looped while playing from the inside of a piece of sculpture. The sounds were derived and collaged together from AM radio religious broadcasts as well as cable TV news and advertising. 20 minutes.
Noise Prototype I (1990)
An attempt to continue my earlier work with manipulating "sampled" sounds. I used sound on sound via two tape decks, also occasionally using a Mac Classic for loops and samples. This project was recorded in one shot with no real composition. The first of the Noise Prototype Series. 45 minutes.
Noise Prototype II: X Anthology (1991)
Quite serious compared to the previous two recordings. This project featured the first "sequenced" audio. By this time I had found an awful shareware sample editor for my Mac Classic, so I proceeded to use stock instrument samples to create beats and melodies. I also started using an old control panel called SoundMaster to play back sounds from the keyboard, so half of the work was played "live". "Submission", one of my better sound collages, first appears on this tape. 100 minutes.
Noise Prototype III: Causes & Suggested Solutions / Sleep Now & Never Sleep (1992)
Another step forward, both in sonic ability and cassette packaging. This one featured more loops and live SoundMaster compositions. Some of my better work from this period is on this tape. This one is a full 100 minutes too.
Noise Prototype IV: Psycho I / Mind Ceremony (Summer 1992)
This is the last of the old school Noise Prototype projects. This is because the next project used newer technology and was almost entirely sequenced (so it felt very different). I have a lot I still enjoy about this one, the sound on sound quality being the only major problem. Side A, Psycho I, is heavy noise experimentation. Side B, Mind Ceremony, is lighter and somewhat dancy. 60 minutes.
Noise Prototype V: Kill Dream / Living the Opaque Dream (1993)
This cassette was done entirely with SoundEdit 1.0 with a few "live" exceptions. Due to my hardware restrictions, this one is 8-bit audio all the way, so it sounds like an AM radio playing heavily programmed industrial music. I often think of this as the beginning of my serious audio composition. A few copies of this were actually distributed to willing recipients. A landmark project mostly for technical reasons. 90 minutes.
Concupiscence EP (Summer 1993)
Entirely new composition techniques, plus the leftovers from my previous cassette done up right. Mostly very long and schizophrenic noise. I used acoustic and electric guitars for the first time along with my traditional equipment. This is the first incarnation of the 30 minute live sound-on-sound "Concupiscence". One of my projects that may stand the test of time. 60 minutes.
The Not of the Want (Summer 1994)
This cassette came out of a rough year away from working on any of my own music because I was too busy studying Ethnomusicology in college. The Not of the Want continued my trend of exploring sexual tension, but in a much nicer way than my previous work. This is my first use of MIDI and improved hardware (new computer , 4-track, and signal processer). The re-recorded version of "Submission" (see Noise Prototype II) is included. Side A has a number of MIDI sequenced experiments and Side B is long and ambient wrapping up with the 30 minute "Nothing Better Than Real Parts I-III". My first true acoustic guitar piece was at the end of this cassette. I am planning to master a CD archive of the better work from this project sometime in the near future. 70 minutes.
Discipline EP (Summer 1995)
My first academic project done as an independant contract at The Evergreen State College. The music originally destined to be on this cassette were the original pieces for A Partial Reconstruction of Days. But PRoD just wasn't happening so I threw all my original material in the vault and cranked out some highly polished sequences that became the core of this tape. Some of my more slick sounding production and sequencing thanks to my working closely with faculty sponsor Terry Setter. This is my first extensive MIDI based project, and the first use of my new Roland JV-880. The work on this tape will eventually be archived on CD. 25 minutes.
Composed, performed, and produced by Eric Peacock.