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Current Projects:
- Recently completed some small web sites for:
- This site is getting a complete rebuild that will probably take a bit of time. Please bear with me as around all my other duties this is a slow process. It's long overdue. As of April 2007 I have finally freed up some time and found a design that works for me so I'm now moving forward at a better pace.
- An animated logo identity for
- Several Neon Brown music videos in preparation for the Nice Video DVD. Two videos are viewable online as of now:

- A series of digital collage/paintings done in Photoshop. These won't be displayed here until I complete the next redesign of this site. However you can get an idea of what is to come by viewing some of the works on Flickr.
- A promotional multimedia DVD for photographer Amanda Koster for her This is Beautiful project.
- $#$@! (insert favorite expletive here), an album of sonic weirdness and hopefully some fun you will be able to download from here. Long overdue and mostly done, but still needs some final mixing and mastering.
- A currently untitled DVD album with a retrospective of my music set to video and animation. This one is at least a year away, but surprisingly a lot of progress has been completed already.